General English Language Course
This English language course covers speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, naturally including grammar and vocabulary. The main emphasis of this course is on practical communication to build up your vocabulary and help to develop fluency and confidence.
Our classes are usually small, which means that your teacher can give you the personal attention you need. Participants are given plenty of opportunities to practise the spoken English language through discussions, debates and conversation activities, such as role-play and pair-work.
Upon successful completion of each level you will be able to perform the following actions
Level 1
Greet people, introduce yourself, spell your name for someone, introduce and speak about your family, say which country you come from, count, talk about age, understand simple directions, talk about shopping, clothing, ask and order food talk about simple daily tasks and routines, dates and birthdays, have a simple telephone conversation, give a basic description of where you live, talk about specific locations, transport, weather, sport, health and medical conditions, renting a place to live, give, or ask for an address, make and respond to an invitation, make social conversation, talk about your work experience, education, read and write a hotel review, make a telephone reservation, check in and out of a hotel, talk about your hobbies and interests, holidays and events, compare and purchase products, politely describe a problem with a product.
Level 2
Talk about your likes and dislikes, ask for or provide help, express irritation, describe people, talk about relationships, emphasise a point, ask someone about their day, relate a simple news story, talk about important events in people’s lives, welcome people, write letters, react to good and bad news, express doubt through language and intonation, understand informal language, differences in British English and American English vocabulary, grammar and punctuation, talk about weather, seasons and temperature, make plans with friends, understand event times and information, talk about shared activities, make, accept and reject an invitation, use modals of necessity and obligation, explain how you met someone, talk about travel arrangements, check in for a flight, talk about different forms of transport, read and write about past travel, recommend a place to visit, talk about natural environments, pets and wildlife, make a more complicated reservation, communicate with different people in a restaurant, talk about movies, discuss what you and other people wear, express time and durations, explain problems, give advice, make and attend an appointment with a doctor, file a prescription, write about injuries and illnesses, talk and write about games, explain rules.
Level 3
Talk about the environment, future technology, write about life in the future, talk about your future plans, describe your educational background, write about education in your country, react to and write about surprising news, talk about famous people, talk about your favourite TV shows, describe TV shows, discuss TV commercials, write about TV in your country, talk to a doctor, describe a product, buy a product, discuss product innovation, write about a product that changed your life, talk about music you like, discuss music trends, plan a night out, describe a particular song, talk with an exercise coach, give advice about healthy living, describe your ideal partner, talk about dating, discuss social media, write about how you met someone, talk about your youth, write about your future, explain rules and regulations, report an injury, write about your opinions on health and safety policy, understand weather warnings, talk about the emergency services, discuss a natural disaster, talk about disaster relief, respond politely to advice, complain about offensive behaviour, write about polite behaviour in your country, talk about an emergency you’ve witnessed abroad, make a dinner reservation, order a meal, make dinner conversation, pay for a meal, discuss work / life balance, talk about your retirement plans, visit someone at home.
Level 4
Talk about values, discuss the differences between genders, talk about rude behaviour, write about gender differences in your country, talk and write about personal finances, give a friend financial advice, talk about the cost of living, extreme sports, discuss an extreme sport experience, talk about risks and dangers in sport, describe and write about your lifestyle, plan changes to your home, summarise your education, talk about a technical device, solve a technical problem, discuss innovation, describe how technology has impacted on your life, talk about an incident from the news, understand legal language, explain a law from your country, write about changes in the media, discuss fears and phobias, talk about positive thinking, write about making the most of your life, describe performing arts culture in your area, suggest a performance to someone, talk about a movie you’ve seen, describe a book you’ve read, explain what you like to read, recommend a book to someone.
Level 5
Summarise your education, talk about a technical device, solve a technical problem, discuss innovation, describe how technology has impacted on your life, talk about an incident from the news, understand legal language, explain a law from your country, write about changes in the media, discuss fears and phobias, talk about positive thinking, write about making the most of your life, describe performing arts culture in your area, suggest a performance to someone, talk about a movie you’ve seen, describe a book you’ve read, explain what you like to read, talk about success, prepare for success, discuss overcoming challenges, write about the habits of successful people, talk about humanitarian efforts, discuss how to make an impact on society, talk about an endangered species or habitat in your country, describe ways to protect a habitat, discuss sustainability, give and receive good and bad news, understand economic and financial news, summarise a text about the news, talk about your country’s currency, describe your country’s imports and exports, debate free trade, write about a trade agreement, talk about a museum, describe a painting, talk about design, write about buildings in your country, discuss people’s needs within your community.
Level 6
Communicate effectively in an emergency situation, write about crime, discuss advertising, brands and regulations, write and share creative ideas, understand and compare different types of instruction, give and analyse persuasive and emotional speeches, give a detailed narrative about dangerous sports, discuss recycling and protecting the environment, state beliefs regarding energy sources, write, talk about and use humour, discuss complex news topics, understand implicit meaning in news headlines, write about events in a compelling way, interpret indirect communication, use formal and informal English with confidence, question and clarify meaning, talk about identity theft, report a problem and negotiate a solution, reach a decision, discuss urban issues in your area, promote the benefits of where you live, compare and select a place to live, talk and write about retail and superstores, review and select an e-Commerce website, discuss different lifestyle and home environments, understand and respond to a discussion about ethics, write a newspaper article.
Level 7
Make speculations about future events, find a creative solution to a problem, use creative writing techniques, understand and discuss complex new technology, evaluate new innovations, discuss fame and celebrity, give your opinion on decorating plans, apply for a home loan, offer support in a stressful situation, recommend methods for reducing stress, write about emotions and stress, discuss truth and myths, effectively describe legal matters/problems, find and offer solutions, discuss different business establishments, how to start a business, make deals, negotiate with partners and colleagues, promote products and services, attend business meetings, participate in international events.